bim in oil and gas industry refinery construction project

The AEC sector has a reputation for being reluctant to embrace new technologies. Contradictorily, BIM has defied this rule and has evolved rapidly alongside this technological evolution. Its powerful capabilities like predictive BIM, Cloud computing, BIM dimensions, etc. have integrated seamlessly into various building typologies. This integration has established that BIM is a quitessential tool for the present and a promising partner for the future. In this blog, let us take a deep dive into one such prominent and promising integration of BIM technology- BIM in Oil and Gas Refinery.  

The biggest thing about BIM is that it’s moving us back to interdisciplinary work-Kathleen Liston. 

Oil and Gas refinery projects

The Oil and Gas ‘(O&G) companies are launching new capital projects worldwide to stay in the market with their competitive renewable energy counterparts. These O&G construction projects are large-scale with heavy capital investment. Due to this, many companies are starting to invest in the latest technologies. These investments are made for every phase of the design and construction of a large Oil and Gas facility. The O&G industry is keen on optimizing the design processes, extremely critical execution of complex engineering, and streamlining facility management. 

Challenges in Oil and Gas refineries sector

The Oil and Gas Companies deal with large-scale offshore rigs. These companies are struggling to manage heavy-duty facilities alongside, maintaining timelines and cost efficiency. According to a 2017 Mckinsey Global Institute report, when it comes to productivity the Oil and Gas Sector is moving at a glacial speed in comparison with sectors like manufacturing and retail.  

To resolve these issues, the O&G sector is leaning towards strategies used by other sectors to increase their productivity and management. But simply adopting them is not enough. O&G projects come with their unique sets of challenges, such as- 

  • Every Oil and Gas refinery project is different from the one that precedes it. Several factors can lead to this.  
  • Lead times for offshore Oil rigs are extremely long.  
  • Team personnel are often changed with the change in project. 
  • Each new project comes up with a new set of challenges, and a new learning curve and thus limits the potential for boosting project performance.  

To overcome these challenges the oil and gas refinery industry needs a tool that facilitates proficient management, digitized practices, advanced analytics, and collaboration. Enters BIM! 

Challenges addressed by BIM in Oil and Gas Sector

Richard Fletcher, MD, Trimble has justified using Building Information Technology in Oil and Gas refinery projects in his own way, BIM models combine graphic, physical, commercial, environmental and operational data in one 3D model, for all parties involved in a project to use. The wider benefits of this interoperability are the elimination of clashes in construction and installation schedules, less rework, minimization of waste due to more accurate models, and evolving asset data for operations and maintenance.” 

Oil and Gas refinery projects, by their inherent nature, acquire and bear a large amount of data. Hence a system with which provides the 3 C’s is the ideal one for such large-scale projects- 

  • Collaboration 
  • Coordination 
  • Consistency 

One of the main objectives behind any Oil and gas refinery construction project is to facilitate maximum reduction in development time, which will reduce the capital costs. Building Information Modeling (BIM) in O&G projects acts as a centralized system that maintains clarity between all the systems working on an offshore or onshore project.  

Applications of BIM in Oil and Gas Refineries

BIM for data categorization 

  • Though all oil and gas refinery projects may appear similar on the surface, they vary significantly in their functional aspects. Construction project teams working on consecutive projects accumulate valuable data sets that could benefit future projects. However, due to the lack of standardized categorization and a common storage system, construction teams often spend valuable time re-acquiring similar data for each new project.  
  • This issue can be solved by integrating cloud computing into the construction phase of Oil & Gas projects. By storing BIM data on the cloud, all the project teams gain real-time access to a centralized repository from anywhere. The stakeholders and project participants can leverage cloud- advanced analytical tools Autodesk BIM 360, Navisworks Manage, Trimble Tekla, etc. These tools can analyze and categorize large volumes of data while enhancing decision-making processes.  

BIM for on-site inspection

  • Keeping regular checks on the construction process while managing a huge facility with special functionalities is a major task. BIM plays an important role in pre-construction inspection in O&G industry.  
  • Primarily, BIM provides a 3D model that offers a clear and detailed view of onshore/offshore refinery infrastructure, helping architects and construction teams to understand complex systems and components before arriving on-site.  
  • Site inspectors have access to real-time project data through BIM applications. This helps them with the latest information while on-site.  
  • BIM is used with simulation software to predict potential leaks. This helps to address issues before they occur. 
  • For post-construction inspections BIM experts are using LIDAR scans on-site to compare models to make sure that the construction co relates with the design. These scans provide accurate measurements of the built environment to verify that everything is as planned.  
  • BIM technicians conduct Laser scanning with high frequency to closely track productivity progress. This frequent scanning helps in identifying discrepancies early. This helps with timely adjustments.  

Building Information Modeling for Project Production Management

  • The role of BIM for PPM in oil and gas refinery projects is extremely crucial. In this context, PPM focuses on effective management of production processes. Which in turn implies that the O&G projects are completed efficiently and with minimal waste.  
  • When Building Information Modeling (BIM) is applied to PPM, it helps the product management lifecycle. BIM helps in the planning of production activities by using digital models that provide real-time data. This results in better workflows which ultimately results in minimizing unnecessary steps.   
  • The lifecycle of all the refinery assets is supported by BIM and its data-rich environment. BIM gives an overall view of all assets. This helps the project managers plan maintenance activities. It also helps predict potential failures, in turn extending the lifespan of equipment.  
  • Modular construction – that allows designing and planning of components off-site, or in this case onshore is supported by BIM. This helps in reducing waste. This also facilitates lean production techniques, which results in more efficient use of resources.  

5D BIM in Oil and Gas Refinery Projects

  • 5D BIM adds to the capabilities of the original 3D BIM. It adds two new dimensions-time i.e. 4D and costs i.e. 5D BIM. In the O&G industries, 5D BIM can be a powerful tool that integrates design and construction with scheduling cost information.  
  • 5D BIM automates quantity takeoffs directly from the 3D model. This results in reducing human errors and ensuring accuracy in material estimation. These dynamic incorporations of cost data give project managers a chance to anticipate financial needs to allocate budgets. 
  • Oil rigs often have multiple design options with different costs and different benefits. With the help of 5D BIM a detailed cost-benefit analysis of each option can be analyzed which results in maximizing the ROI. According to Mckinsey & Company -” Reducing development time alone has the potential to deliver 15 to 30 percent in cost savings.” 
  • Oil and Gas refineries periodically shut down for maintenance. This is when 5D BIM becomes the companion. It makes sure these shutdowns are completed efficiently and within budget.  
  • During the construction phase of O&G offshore sites, 5D BIM provides real-time insights into projects. A comprehensive management of resources, preventing delays is achieved due to 5D BIM.

Digital Twins in O&G Industry

Digital twins or Virtual replicas are precisely, systems that simulate their real-world counterparts in real-time using IoT sensors and analytics. In the oil and gas industry, they can be deployed to manage operations, increase safety and gain remote monitoring and control.   

  • Virtual testing and simulation are one of the many features offered by Digital Twins. For architects and engineers working on oil rig construction projects, these features are beneficial. It allows them to simulate the performance of equipment and systems under different conditions for analysis, instead of testing them on site. This reduces the need for physical prototypes and accelerates the design process.  
  • Digital Twins of offshore platforms provide real-time monitoring of structural integrity. It enhances the safety and efficiency of the offshore rigs by delivering equipment performance and environmental conditions.  
  • The O&G industry’s fundamental component is pipelines. A digital twin of these pipeline networks will help in leak detection and predict maintenance needs, reducing the risk of spills and optimizing transportation efficiency.  

The integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and digital twins into the Oil and Gas industry is a solid representation of a transformative shift. This shift focuses on the industry’s inclination towards adapting to digital technologies. Technologies that can make construction projects more productive. 

To witness these technologies at actual and to understand their real-world impact, let’s read more about an infamous project adopting BIM for the smooth operations in the oil and gas industry. 

Real-world example

  1. Johan Sverdrup Field Development Project

johan sverdrup oil and gas field development project

The Johan Sverdrup is an oil field located in the North Sea off the coast of Norway. It is one of the largest oil field developments in the region. The Jihan Sverdrup is known for its lowest Co2 emissions of any oil field in the world. Apart from this, Johan Sverdrup is known as the pioneer of adopting digital technologies in O&G industries. 

We have all heard about the North Sea and how it being treacherous makes it one of the most dangerous seas in the world. Johan Sverdrup, an oil rig construction on the North Sea came with its own set of challenges. Aibel- a Norwegian offshore contractor felt the need to integrate BIM software with existing solutions to tackle the standardization requirements within oil and gas industry. Namely- 

  • Technical experts developed an interface methodology to align the design model with the fabrication model. This development helped in overcoming the challenge of extracting 3D fabrication models into BIM software.  
  • The introduction of constructible BIM into the fabrication process made way for greater automation. This integration facilitated the use if robotics in manufacturing and enhancing accuracy. 
  • Echo – the digital twin enabled stakeholders and workers to explore every detail of the platforms in virtual reality using Microsoft 3D HoloLens technology.  
  • They also employed a Digital Field Worker app that helped offshore workers activate permits, check equipment and read system manuals, without constantly going back to their desks.  

To summarize the significance of BIM in current as well as future scenario of BIM adoption in Oil and Gas industry, Charles Halaas, IT Manager Field Development and Offshore Wind states- 

“If we do not go in the digital direction, then we risk losing future projects by not being competitive enough. Fabrication-ready 3D models are a very efficient way of working. In addition to efficiency gains, the improved robotics have made our yards safer, as there is less need for employees to lift and cut heavy materials.” 


The construction of oil and gas refineries comes up with a specific set of challenges. These challenges can only be tackled using a skilled workforce and proper systems. Usually, this typology of construction is considered high-risk. A few missed points and the results could be catastrophic. For such high-risk environments, engineers and architects need reliable techniques that assure precision and clarity. That’s where BIM integration joins in.  

Integration of digital technologies like BIM and its tributaries like Digital Twins, Cloud Computing, 5D BIM, etc. have the potential to revolutionize the O&G industry.  

Embracing digitization in a sector fully is a prolonged procedure. It has its own challenges and limitations. That being said, the benefits these digital technologies offer and the results they reap are worth it.  

But as we saw earlier, we are in the middle of a shift. A shift from traditional labor-intensive workflows to automated error-free operations. BIM presents itself as an array of opportunities to make the construction process safe, prompt and productive.  

In conclusion, we would like to state that as the world progresses, let us look forward to the leap from ‘shift’ to ‘standardization’. 

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